While initially I was really enjoying all the alone time my unemployment afforded me I now find myself seeking out conversation with people I encounter throughout my day. I started with my mail-lady (since I sit outside on the stoop waiting for her everyday she was an obvious choice), she was cool, she likes to smoke cigarettes, which seems dangerous to me given all the paper she deals with, but who I am to judge. Next I moved on to the fruit stand guy (hoping I could haggle him down to 5 bananas for $1) but his English is not so good and there were always a lot of flies around him so I moved on. I've identified some folks at the gym whom I've decided could form a bad-ass posse. These people clearly also have no jobs -- they are there too much, they're in no sort of hurry and rather than avert their eyes when someone looks at them (like most normal people at the gym) they hold your stare hoping a conversation will strike up...and then maybe coffee. In my mind we're all WestSide Story-like with matching sweatbands and Taebo kicks. The problem with the gym crew is that when I want to ditch them, things could get weird around the gym and I don't need anyone pushing me off a threadmill (you can't take those kinds of risks without health insurance).
looking at the pic really quickly i thought that new kids on the block were coming to town....